Empathy and Compassion: From Contemplative Traditions to Neuroscience

10-14 June 2017, Gerace (RC), Italy

We invite applications until May 15, 2017. 

Applications to the Summer School will be assessed based on the information you provide in the form. Please add the requested details.

Application Form
All fields in this form are mandatory.

    Are you applying for standard participation or student participation?

    (note that proof of student status is required)


    First Name / Given Name

    Last Name / Family Name

    Date of Birth

    Your Gender


    Your Email

    Confirm your Email



    Phone number (incl. country code)



    Employer (students: state your academic institution)


    Your Motivation (max 500 words)



    Accepted participants will be offered the opportunity to present a poster of their work/research.

    Do you intend to present a poster of your work?


    If YES - please enter the proposed poster title (we will ask for an abstract at a later stage)


    Upload your CV here (pdf, doc, docx are accepted; max file size 3MB)

    (include a proof of student status, if applying as student)


    Would you like to join our general CMC-mailing list to stay informed about activities and developments of the association?



    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.