CMC International Association is glad to announce the online CMC Contemplative Spring Institute (CMC-CSI) 2021 on the relevant and timely theme “Mindfulness, Wisdom and Compassion: Contemplative, Neuroscientific and Clinical Investigations”, from Thursday April 29 to Sunday May 2, 2021.

The CMC-CSI 2021 will address the integration of mindfulness meditation practices with contemplative wisdom, compassion, and related ethics, by bridging contemplative, neuroscientific, clinical and philosophical/scholarly knowledge and insights, by an interdisciplinary approach.
Foundational issues about consciousness and meditation will also be considered. A foreseen outcome of the symposium is the writing of a linked position article that may influence the field of contemplative science as well as secular mindfulness and compassion interventions for wellbeing, health and education.

The first three days of the CMC-CSI 2021 (April 29-30 and May 1st, from 9:00 to 18:00 CEST) will include talks on contemplative, scientific, philosophical, scholarly and clinical topics related to the theme of the CMC-CSI, as well as meditation practices and related teachings linked to different Buddhist traditions, together with thematic discussions in both plenary session and groups, in which all the participants can be actively involved.
On the fourth day (May 2, 8:00 – 19:00 CEST), an intensive meditation day with teachings and practices in different Buddhist traditions, will take place.


The language of the CMC-CSI is English.
The registration fee is 100 euros.

For the registration, please contact the following e-mail address:

A more detailed programme of the event will be available soon.

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